
Kia rangona tō reo! Let your voice be heard!

2024 vocational education and training reforms

Our cultural, creative, technology and recreation industries are critical to ensuring Aotearoa has a highly productive and innovative economy – now and in the future.


The Government has been consulting on a proposal to redesign vocational education and training (VET) in Aotearoa. Submissions closed on 12 September 2024.

We are encouraging our industries to continue advocating alongside Toi Mai and ensure we are front and centre in the Government’s reforms of the vocational education and training system.

Toi Mai provided a submission (link below) which relates largely to the options within Proposal 2 – Establishing an industry-led system for standards-setting and industry training.

If you have any Toi Mai specific questions about the vocational education and training reforms, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]

Key dates

1 August 2024 Consultation opens
23 August 2024 Toi Mai industry webinar with the TEC and MoE
12 September 2024 Consultation closes
October – December 2024 Decisions to be taken and confirmed, with recommendations to cabinet end of November
January – June 2025 Legislative process will occur
1 January 2026 New system comes into effect

Toi Mai is unlikely to have as much influence on this consultation process as your industry voice.

Cabinet has indicated it wants to hear from industries first-hand.