
Nau mai

ki Toi Mai Ohu Ahumahi Workforce Development Council
bAckground Element

Toi ā-Ringa

Art and Design

Toi Māori

Taonga Works and the Oral Arts

Toi Ora

Sport, Recreation and Cultural Organisations

Toi Pāho

Broadcast and Screen

Toi Puaki

Performing Arts

Toi Whānui

Enabling Technologies

Ngā pānui | Latest news

Reviews and developments

Stay up to date with the development, maintenance and review of standards and qualifications.

New creative and cultural strategy hits the right notes

Toi Mai Workforce Development Council celebrates the release of Amplify – the Government’s (draft) strategy for New Zealand’s creative and cultural sectors.

Redesign of the vocational education and training system

Toi Mai industries are critical to ensuring Aotearoa has a highly productive and innovative economy – now & in the future. We need to make sure they are front and centre in the redesign of the VET system.

Mission to thrive by '35

Click here to download the full industry and workforce development plans.

Data dashboard

Browse interesting breakdowns of all of our industries and explore the data and insights that inform our mahi at the same rate that we do.

Striking a balance: wellbeing vs. financial security in the arts

Income is a crucial factor in life security and satisfaction for any individual and their whānau in New Zealand, but for workers in the arts, this relationship is much less straightforward. Click here for more:

New micro-credential opens up a clear pathway into the screen industry

Toi Mai is celebrating a milestone moment with a newly listed micro-credential ‘Introduction to the Aotearoa New Zealand Screen Industry’. Click here for more:

Championing te Tiriti o Waitangi

Toi Mai announced as winner of Ngā Āhuatanga o te Tiriti Tohu at the Diversity Awards NZ 2023. Click here for more:

Te Wao Nui o Toi recognised with a prestigious Good Design Award for excellence in design and innovation

Our first sector-specific workforce development plan was recognised in Australia’s International Good Design Awards for excellence in design and innovation. Click here for more: