
New micro-credential opens up a clear pathway into the screen industry

Toi Mai is celebrating a milestone moment with a newly listed micro-credential ‘Introduction to the Aotearoa New Zealand Screen Industry’. 

The development of this micro-credential was driven by the screen industry and formed part of the action plan arising from Te Wao Nui o Toi, a workforce development plan (WDP) published in 2023 by Toi Mai and Assurity Consulting with a focus on below-the-line workers in Toi Pāho (the film, TV and interactive media sector) 

A key outcome from the extensive research and consultation was the sector’s desire for better alignment between training and industry needs, and the development of short, targeted programmes. With a growing demand for screen content, there is also an anticipated shortfall in trained workers for the below-the-line production and post-production roles that this micro-credential can help to address. 

The new ‘Introduction to the Aotearoa New Zealand Screen Industry’ micro-credential provides insight into the types of roles available in screen production so learners can make more informed choices about their potential career options. It also provides learners with knowledge of practice and etiquette on set, as well as the professional standards required by the sector. 

The screen sector has been limited in its ability to provide similar induction training through its informal systems, and this micro-credential aims to open the door to a wider range of potential workers. 

The micro-credential is available now for education providers to apply to the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) for accreditation and consent to assess to deliver. It can be offered alongside existing programmes or as a stand-alone micro-credential.  

If you would like to know more, please contact us at [email protected]

Key facts: 

The ‘Introduction to the Aotearoa New Zealand Screen Industry’ is a 15 credit micro-credential made up of three mandatory skill standards: 

  • Explore roles and employment in the Aotearoa New Zealand screen industry. 
  • Prepare for work as a crew member in the Aotearoa New Zealand screen industry. 
  • Apply business financial skills to operate as a self-employed contractor in Aotearoa New Zealand. 

Click here for the qualification overview on the NZQA website.