
New skill standards for screen-sector careers

Aotearoa is currently facing a major shortage in the Toi Pāho (broadcast and screen sector) workforce. To help remedy this problem and ensure entrants have the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed, Toi Mai – in collaboration with industry – has been developing new qualifications and standards to boost the sector and fill these gaps.

In March 2023, Toi Mai released Te Wao Nui o Toi, the workforce development plan (WDP) for Toi Pāho, which identified the challenges in sourcing capable local talent for the ‘below-the-line’ (crew and production) workforce in the screen industry.

From industry feedback in the process of developing the WDP, a severe need for practical training in below-the-line roles was identified.

Toi Mai has developed a suite of screen-sector skill standards in collaboration with industry to address this need. Also in development are some New Zealand Certificate qualifications for the screen industry. It is intended that the skill standards will become components of these new qualifications, meaning that completion of standards may lead to a qualification.

The intention is that learners will complete two standards for a role, including:

  • a theory standard to provide the learners with the underpinning knowledge and skills required by the role; it is intended that this will most likely be delivered before the learner enters a screen production workplace, and it is a prerequisite for the practical standard
  • a practical standard that will be assessed in the workplace on a real screen production; learners will work in the roles and demonstrate the assessment criteria through observation or verification by assessors and workplace supervisors.

Previously, Toi Mai developed a screen-sector micro-credential to supply learners with prerequisite knowledge of the industry before they enter more specific pathways. This micro-credential underwent a consultation phase earlier in the year.

The development of these standards provides short-form, work-based options for learners and supports the Toi Pāho ecosystem in its desire to grow a thriving, nimble and diverse workforce.

The new skill standards are now open for consultation. Click here to find the relevant resources and how you can provide your feedback by 30 January, 2024. Email [email protected] if you have any questions.