
Feedback critical to shaping the future of vocational education

Stakeholder feedback is being sought on four new Workforce Development Plans (WDPs) and one Industry Development Plan (IDP) released today by Toi Mai Workforce Development Council.

WDPs articulate the needs of industries and the role of vocational education and training in realising those needs.

These plans, which complement one published last month for Toi Whānui (Enabling Technologies), draw on engagements, insights and data to understand the skills and workforce challenges facing many of the industries and businesses serviced by Toi Mai:

  • Above-the-line Screen: Te Waha o Tāne
  • Performing Arts: Kia Mura!
  • Ngā Toi Māori: Toi Ora, Tāngata Ora; Toi Ora, Whenua Ora
  • Barbering and Hairdressing: Kia Ita!
  • Exercise: He rangi whawhati kō, he tau hāwere

Te Tumu o Toi | CEO of Toi Mai, Dr Claire Robinson, is urging stakeholders in these important sectors to have a further say in documents that will help shape their vocational education futures. “Our industries are critical to New Zealand’s future prosperity. We need to ensure they are supported by a skilled, diverse and thriving workforce.”

“Toi Mai wishes to thank all stakeholders who have contributed their valuable time to help us form and advance these five new plans to the consultation phase,” says Robinson.

“Now we need our stakeholders to tell us if we have synthesised their needs right. We welcome their valued input, which will ensure the finalised plans can inform tertiary investment advice, the creation of new qualifications, government policy responses and the development of more visible career pathways into our industries and businesses.”

Toi Mai is expecting to provide specific detail on the key findings and recommendations of each plan through media releases and posts on other channels next week.

Click here to download the plans and for more details on the consultation process. Consultation on the five plans is open until 22 July.

Additional information

Toi Mai is one of six Workforce Development Councils (WDCs) established in 2021. The WDCs have a legislative remit to align education and training with industry needs, and to raise the skills and vocational training available to industries.

The Toi Mai vision for the future is that Aotearoa has confidence in and aspiration for our sectors and sees them as crucial to our prosperity as a nation.

Developed through considerable research, data analysis, interviews and consultation, each WDP or IDP contains a specific set of actions and recommendations aimed at ensuring the best vocational education outcomes for each sector. Delivering the full six plans in close collaboration with industry stakeholders is a key focus of Toi Mai.