
Ngā ringa tohu


Our role for qualifications and unit standards

As a standard-setting body, Toi Mai is responsible for developing and maintaining standards, micro-credentials and qualifications for the industries in within our coverage area.

We work with industry, employers, education providers, community and professional groups to develop qualifications that are fit for purpose and meet industry needs. If you would like to be involved in a current or upcoming review, provide feedback or have any questions, please email us at [email protected]


Toi Mai qualifications by sector

The button below will take you to the Toi Mai qualifications page, where you can find listed every qualification under Toi Mai and its status, categorised under Ngā Peka o Toi, our sectors.

Toi Mai qualifications flowcharts

The buttons below link to a series of flowcharts showing the numerous qualification pathways learners can take in Ngā Peka o Toi. View them by peka below or click here to download the collected PDF.

Toi ā-Ringa – art and design
Toi Ora – sport, recreation and cultural organisations
Toi Pāho – screen and broadcast
Toi Puaki – performing arts
Toi Whānui – enabling technologies

Quality assurance

The Toi Mai quality assurance team is committed to supporting our industries‘ providers and schools through programme endorsement, assessment consent and moderation, micro-credential support, and more. Click the button below for more information.

Support for providers developing programmes for our qualifications

A range of guidance documents are available to support providers developing programmes that lead to the award of one of our qualifications. A full list is available here.


Contact us

If you would like to contact us about our qualifications or standards, or to receive a copy of a programme guidance document, please email [email protected]