

This page provides some key information about micro-credentials, the advantages and challenges of developing and delivering them, and the role of Toi Mai in the process of development and approval.

What is a micro-credential?

A micro-credential certifies achievement of a coherent set of skills and knowledge and is specified by a statement of purpose, learning outcomes and strong evidence of need by industry, employers, iwi and the community.

They are smaller than a qualification and focus on skill development opportunities not currently catered for in the tertiary education system.

Click here to register for a new micro-credential.


  • NZQA approved and quality assured
  • Formal recognition of achievement
  • Can be put on a learner’s NZQA Record of Achievement
  • May attract some funding from TEC
  • Allows for small, succinct blocks of skills or knowledge
  • May be completed in a short space of time, in a variety of ways
  • May be stacked to lead to a qualification
  • Can be any level, five to 40 credits in size.


  • Can take some time to develop – depending on the size of the micro-credential, this could take 6 months or more
  • Learning outcomes must be assessed, with records being kept for quality assurance
  • Must be reviewed every one to three years
  • Must go through an NZQA approval process
  • Funding from TEC is not guaranteed and is done separately
  • May not always be financially viable to deliver for small numbers of learners.

Who develops and delivers micro-credentials?

Micro-credentials can only be developed by NZQA, workforce development councils or registered education providers (for example Te Pūkenga, wānanga and schools).

Delivery of a micro-credential can only be by (or in partnership with) an NZQA-registered education or training provider. Workforce development councils do not deliver micro-credentials.

Toi Mai Ohu Ahumahi support for micro-credentials

Providers developing micro-credentials in one of our sectors are required to seek support from us before submitting their application to NZQA. Click here to register for a new micro-credential.