
National external moderation

There are three different types of national external moderation activities

  • Post-assessment moderation – once standards are reported to NZQA, Toi Mai selects samples for submission to Quality Assurance for moderation.
  • Pre-assessment moderation – assessment material developed for unit standard delivery is submitted to Toi Mai for approval before use.
  • On-site or observed moderation – Toi Mai conducts on-site observation of assessors completing practical assessments with candidates.

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Post-moderation is the process of Toi Mai requesting assessment samples for moderation once a provider or school has reported standards to NZQA. Toi Mai requests assessment samples from the previous calendar year and schools and providers are notified when assessments are due for submission. The moderation process ensures assessor decisions are fair, consistent and meet standard requirements.

You can find the 2025 moderation plan and the post-moderation coversheet below.

Click image to expand.

Moderation appeals process

Providers may wish to appeal moderation decisions made by Toi Mai.

Appeals must be received within 15 working days of receiving the moderation outcome report. Providers need to complete a moderation appeal form (below) and email it to [email protected]