We are reviewing the following qualification and standards:
Unit Standards:
It is important we get feedback from as many people and organisations as possible. Your feedback will help to ensure that the reviewed qualification and standards continue to meet the current and future needs of the sector.
We are hosting hui in Christchurch, Auckland and Wellington for industry, providers, ākonga, graduates and other stakeholders to give feedback. Please note that each hui is limited to 20 people. If there is demand, we will also offer online hui.
Monday 2 September 9.30am–12pm
Ara Institute of Canterbury, Madras Street
RSVP: Email [email protected] by Friday 23 August
Monday 9 September 9.30am–12pm
Te Puni Kōkiri House, 9 Ronwood Avenue, Manukau
RSVP: Email [email protected] by Friday 30 August
Monday 16 September 9.30am–12.30pm
Toi Mai offices, Tower B, 49 Tory Street
RSVP: Email [email protected] by Friday 6 September
Industry representatives, education providers, graduates and any other interested individuals are invited to complete a survey about the currently listed qualification and standards.
Click here for the qualification survey.
Click here for the unit standards survey.
The surveys will remain open until Monday 16 September.
Another way to participate is to join an advisory group. You can signal your interest and how you might want to be involved.
Updates will be posted on this website. If you wish to receive email updates and be consulted on the proposed changes to this qualification and/or make contact regarding this review, please email [email protected]