
Conservation micro-credentials and skill standards

Conservation Survey Insights Report and invitation to online hui

Ngā mihi nui to those of you who completed our Conservation micro-credentials and skill standards survey. 28 people completed the survey, and 19 of those expressed interest in being part of the advisory group for this project.

The Conservation Survey Insights Report is available here.

We’ve used the valuable feedback from this survey and engagements to inform our approach to developing new products for the sector. Our team will be holding three online hui at the dates and times below. We’d like to hear from you and let you know what’s involved in being on the advisory group.

  • Wednesday 14 August at 12.30pm
  • Thursday 15 August at 4pm
  • Friday 16 August at 9am

Please select your preferred session and email [email protected] letting us know which session you would like to attend. These sessions will be about 45 minutes long and cover the same content, so you only need to attend one.

The hui will be hosted on Microsoft Teams. You do not need to download teams on your device to attend – you can join online from your browser.
We encourage you to share this invitation with others and look forward to seeing you online soon – all those who are interested are welcome!

The project

Toi Mai, with support from Muka Tangata, is exploring a suite of micro-credentials and skill standards for the conservation sector. They will address needs identified by industry, providers, iwi and community groups – for shorter courses for the conservation workforce. The new products will help facilitate more flexible pathways into conservation careers.

It is important we get input from as many people and organisations as possible. Your feedback will help ensure that the developed micro-credentials and skill standards meet the current and future needs of the sector. We are especially interested to hear from iwi/hapū/whānau groups about conservation training needs in their communities.

Qualifications may be reviewed following this project if feedback indicates that there are opportunities for improvement.

Contact us

Please email us at [email protected] if you have questions or are interested in knowing more about how you can contribute.