
Entertainment and Event Technology Level 4 review

We have completed the review of 3417 New Zealand Certificate in Entertainment and Event Technology (Level 4) and Level 4 unit standards. We are now inviting feedback on the draft documents.

Please find the draft documents below. You also have an option to read the document with tracked changes.





3417 New Zealand Certificate in Entertainment and Event Technology (Level 4) with strands in Entertainment Rigging, Lighting, Audio, Vision, Stage Management, Stage Mechanics and Scenic Construction  3417 tracked  3417 clean

Unit Standards





30455 Operate professionally, collaboratively and solve problems systematically in the entertainment and event industry 30455 tracked 30455 clean
30456 Demonstrate knowledge of worker responsibilities and professional development in the entertainment and event industry 30456 tracked 30456 clean
30457 Describe production process requirements and roles and responsibilities in the entertainment and event industry 30457 tracked 30457 clean
30458 Demonstrate knowledge of electrical theory and lighting equipment for stage lighting for a performance or event 30458 tracked 30458 clean
30459 Install, operate and remove lighting systems for performances or events 30459 tracked 30459 clean
30460 Demonstrate knowledge of industry terminology, equipment and work practices for event and area rigging systems 30460 tracked 30460 clean
30461 Install, operate and remove rigging equipment for a performance or event 30461 tracked 30461 clean
30462 Demonstrate knowledge of the drawings, materials and methods used to construct stage scenery for performances or events 30462 tracked 30462 clean
30463 Construct stage scenery for a performance or event 30463 tracked 30463 clean
30464 Demonstrate knowledge of scenery, rigging and mechanical stage equipment for performances or events 30464 tracked 30464 clean
30465 Prepare, set up, operate, and remove scenery, rigging, and mechanical stage equipment for performances or events 30465 tracked 30465 clean
30466 Demonstrate knowledge of signal flow, sound system requirements and factors affecting performance or event sound quality 30466 tracked 30466 clean
30467 Install, operate and remove sound equipment for performances, events or a live recording 30467 tracked 30467 clean
30468 Demonstrate knowledge of roles and responsibilities within the stage management team for performances or events 30468 tracked 30468 clean
30469 Perform a stage management role and produce documentation for all phases of performances or events 30469 tracked 30469 clean
30470 Explain equipment, components and video signal quality relating to video systems for performances or events 30470 tracked 30470 clean
30471 Select, install, operate and remove video equipment for performances or events 30471 tracked 30471 clean

Key changes to qualification

  • Reduced the requirement for learners to complete two strands, to learners only having to complete one strand.
  • Credit value reduced to 80 credits – due to only requiring completion of one strand.
  • Removed strands related to screen production. Therefore “Screen” has been removed from the title and the following strands removed: Gripping, Screen Assistant Direction, Screen Production Assistant, and Screen Special Effects strands.
  • Reworded purpose to add a target audience.
  • Rewording of graduate profile outcome 2.

Key changes to standards

  • Rewording of outcomes and performance criteria.
  • Removal of some outcomes.

Provide feedback

Let us know what you think by emailing us with your feedback or any questions at [email protected]