
Outdoor Recreation qualifications review

The below qualifications have been reviewed and approved by NZQA. New versions of qualifications will shortly be available from NZQA’s website.

Summary of changes

New Zealand Certificate in Assistant Outdoor Leadership (Level 3) [Ref: 3658]

  • This qualification is to be expired and replaced by:
    • New Zealand Certificate in Outdoor Leadership (Assistant) (Level 4) [Ref: 5212].
  • The replaced qualification is at level 4 and the credit value is 60.
  • LDE and LDA.

New Zealand Certificate in Outdoor Leadership (Level 4) [Ref: 3662]

  • This qualification is to be expired and replaced by:
    • New Zealand Certificate in Outdoor Leadership (Level 5) with strands in Abseil, Bush, Canoeing, Caving, High Ropes, High Wire, Mountain Biking (Grade 2), Rock Climbing, Sea Kayaking, Sit-on-top Kayaking and Whitewater Kayaking [Ref: 5214].
  • The new qualification has had a change is at level level 5 to better align with industry expectations and to reflect the expected outcome of this qualification and technical skills required.
  • The new qualification does not have Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC), Raft Guide (Grade II), Riverboarding Guide (Grade II) strands. These were removed due to little or no use.

New Zealand Certificate in Outdoor Leadership (Guiding) (Level 5) [Ref: 3660]

  • This qualification is to be expired without any replacement due to little or no use
  • The existing high wire strand has moved into the New Zealand Certificate in Outdoor Leadership (Level 6) with strands in Alpine, Bush, Canoeing, Caving , High Ropes, High Wire, Mountain Biking (Grade 4), Rock Climbing, Sea Kayaking, and Whitewater Kayaking. [Ref: 5213].

New Zealand Certificate in Outdoor Leadership (Instruction) (Level 5) [Ref: 3661]

  • This qualification to be expired and replaced by:
    • New Zealand Certificate in Outdoor Leadership (Level 6) with strands in Alpine, Bush, Canoeing, Caving , High Ropes, High Wire, Mountain Biking (Grade 4), Rock Climbing, Sea Kayaking, and Whitewater Kayaking. [Ref: 5213].

New Zealand Certificate in Outdoor and Adventure Education (Multi-skilled) (Level 4) [Ref: 3765]

New Zealand Certificate in Outdoor and Adventure Education (Multi-skilled) (Level 5) [Ref: 3766]

  • Strategic Purpose Statement: These have been updated in all the qualifications to include a target audience, as well as reflect any changes to the qualification.
  • Graduate profile outcomes have had minor wording changes.
  • General programme conditions have been updated to include expectations for practical experience, diversity and inclusion.

Review update and qualification changes

All reviewed qualifications have now been approved by NZQA.

If you have any questions or seek further information, contact us at [email protected]