
Recreation in the community unit standard review

Consultation has now closed

The unit standards listed below have been reviewed, and updated documentation has been submitted to NZQA for approval. For a summary of updates, please refer to this document, or review the copies of each standard in the section below.


Planned changes

The following standard will be updated to a new version:

US Title US reviewed with tracked changes US reviewed untracked
Recreation and Sport >  Recreation and Sport – Programmes and Events
21414 Plan and run a recreation activity (Level 3, 4 Credits)




The following standards will be expired:

4864 Demonstrate knowledge of recreation needs of target groups (Level 3, 4 Credits) To Expire


18763 Describe the process of community development as a participant (Level 2, 3 Credits) To Expire


27299 Describe benefits of participation in recreation in the local community (Level 2, 2 Credits) To Expire


Contact us

For further information, please email us at