NZQA have now approved the expiration of the above qualification.
The New Zealand Certificate in Recreation Safety Auditing (Level 6) has had only one completion since 2016. There are also no providers with an approved programme to deliver this, which means no one can currently enrol in it.
Also to be expired is the associated standard 28190 “Demonstrate knowledge of the requirements specified in ISO19011:2018, Guidelines for auditing management systems”.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any concerns or comments about the expiration of these.
Mauri ora,
Te Rāngai Ringa Tohu o Toi Mai – Toi Mai Qualifications & Assurance team
Consultation on the hairdressing and barbering industry regulatory review is underway.
For more information, head to the Ministry for Regulation website via the link below, and fill out one of the two questionnaires at the very bottom of the page.
The consultation closes Friday 31 January.
Click here to have your say