The investment advice to TEC is submitted in accordance with the functions of the Workforce Development Councils (WDCs) set out in sections 366 (j) and 411 of the Education and Training Act 2020.
If you have any queries in relation to the investment advice Toi Mai has developed and/or the 2024 funding from the PTE Strategic Fund, please email us at [email protected]
Toi Mai and the Regional Skills Leadership Groups provided theme-level advice to TEC in December 2022, which helped to inform the broader priorities for the Plan Guidance (for providers submitting plan for funding from 1 January 2024).
In April 2023, WDCs provided targeted advice to TEC on the mix of vocational education and training that will inform content in the TEC’s Supplementary Plan Guidance, to be published in early June 2023. This targeted advice provides an overview of our sectors and advice and is best read alongside the accompanying detailed data scan and insights in Appendix A.
Toi Mai is confident that the advice provided in these documents is robust and evidence-based with feedback from peak industry bodies integrated. The following considerations underpin this advice:
It is important to acknowledge that workforce development gaps experienced by Toi Mai industries are not simply related to the provision of qualifications or investment in funded enrolments in the formal VET sector. Other priorities to be addressed include:
He wai mārama – Making Ngā Peka o Toi roles visible, coherent and accessible
Hei wao taunga manu rere – Supporting people to enter and grow in our workplaces
Hei rākau whai hua – Delivering training that meets the needs of Ngā Peka o Toi
Hei aka here tahi, ka pū orange rau – Working collectively to build and maintain a healthier Wao Nui o Toi