
Review update of Unit Standard 424

Monitor and provide long-term care in an outdoor emergency situation

Additional consultation on review of unit standard 424: Assess and Manage an Emergency Care Situation during an Outdoor Recreation Activity

Following initial consultation on the proposed expiry of Unit Standard 424, feedback has indicated an ongoing need for competencies in long-term care within an outdoor setting. Consequently, Toi Mai has drafted a new skill standard tailored to the outdoor sector. Consultation on this skill standard is now closed. 

Please note that 424 was not intended to be used in schools and that there are alternative units that are more suited (listed below).

Units for schools

Level 1
32834 Unit Demonstrate introductory knowledge of weather, the Land Safety Code, and maps in the outdoors 3 Credits
32837 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of introductory preparation for an outdoor activity 2 Credits
32842 Unit Demonstrate personal awareness and positive behaviour during a group outdoor activity 3 Credits
Level 2
32835 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of weather information, introductory survival skills, and the use of maps in the outdoors 3 Credits
32840 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of preparation for an outdoor activity 3 Credits
32843 Unit Demonstrate knowledge of how personal contribution influences group functioning in an outdoor activity 3 Credits


If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]