
New Standards for Makeup, Skincare, and Cosmetics

Kōrero mai ki a mātou – have your say!

Toi Mai is currently seeking your feedback on four proposed skill standards that have been developed in conjunction with experts in industry and education provision, to support delivery of the latest version of the New Zealand Certificate in Skin Care and Cosmetics (Level 3) [ref.3442]. The proposed skill standards have been aligned with the graduate profile outcomes for the latest version of the qualification following its review in 2023.

The proposed skill standards are as follows:

Title Level Credits
Prepare for a skincare and makeup service in a salon or retail setting 3 10
Conduct client consultations for a skincare and makeup service 3 20
Perform a customised skincare and makeup service 3 20
Assist with sales and promotional activities for skincare, makeup and other cosmetics 3 10


It should be noted that the proposed skill standards consider and incorporate content from the following unit standards:

Number Title Level Credits
14139 Demonstrate knowledge of, select, and recommend cosmetics and toiletries 3 8
27644 Demonstrate knowledge of make-up and design theory 3 4
27646 Perform skincare services for the face in preparation for make-up application 3 10
27647 Perform make-up services 3 10
27648 Demonstrate knowledge of promotional activities within a make-up and skin care workplace 3 7
28946 Demonstrate knowledge of tools, equipment and safe operating procedures used in make-up and skin care services 3 4


While no decisions have been made on the expiry of the current unit standards, it is intended to expire those standards overlapping with the proposed skill standards. It should be noted that, in line with their intended purpose, the proposed skill standards do not independently assess knowledge, but rather incorporate this with assessment of practical skills. As such, there are no corresponding assessments for the current unit standards 27644 and 28946.

Provide feedback

We invite you to provide your thoughts on the following through the survey below:

  • The content of the proposed skill standards
  • The extent to which the proposed standards covers content in the current unit standards, noting that there is no independent assessment of knowledge.

If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]. Please supply feedback by Sunday 8 September.

Click here to open the survey in a new tab.